
  • Have You Been Diagnosed with Myopic Macular Degeneration? What You Should Know

    When most people think about vision diseases like macular degeneration, they are thinking about age-related eye diseases that affect people late in life. However, there are some forms of these eye issues that can and do occur when people are younger. If you are in your thirties or forties and have been diagnosed with myopic macular degeneration by an ophthalmologist, you may be understandably shocked. In order to properly deal with your eye condition, get to know some of the important facts about myopic macular degeneration and what you can and should do to properly deal with your newfound myopic macular degeneration.
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  • Tips That Can Help You Adapt To Bifocal Lenses

    If you've noticed changes in your vision to the extent that you're holding things at arm's length to read them and constantly removing your glasses to read things that are close to you, it may be time to get bifocal lenses. Your local optician will assess your eyes and have lenses made that will greatly improve your ability to see at a variety of distances. When you pick up your new glasses, you'll be impressed with your ability to see both far away and close up, but it can take a little time until you're used to this major change in your lenses.
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